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var hid = ""; var timer; var $picker = $("#huxingPicker"); function getList(length) { return Array(length) .fill(void 0) .map(function(item, index) { return index + 1; }); } function ImproveListUnit(list, name) { return { return (item += name); }); } $(".form-huxing") .on("mouseenter", function() { var left = $(this).offset().left; var top = $(this).offset().top; var height = $(this).height(); var currentValue = $(this) .find("input") .val(); hid = $(this).attr("id"); var values = currentValue ? currentValue.split(",").map(Number) : [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]; toI18n("bedroom"); var arrays = [ ImproveListUnit(getList(6), toI18n("bedroom")), ImproveListUnit(getList(6), toI18n("hall")), ImproveListUnit(getList(6), toI18n("kitchen")), ImproveListUnit(getList(6), toI18n("bathroom")), ImproveListUnit(getList(6), toI18n("balcony")), ]; var htmlArr =, index) { var strArr =, i) { var temp = i == values[index] ? '
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Object.defineProperty(e, r, { value: t, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, }) : (e[r] = t), e ); } function _slicedToArray(e, r) { return ( _arrayWithHoles(e) || _iterableToArrayLimit(e, r) || _unsupportedIterableToArray(e, r) || _nonIterableRest() ); } function _nonIterableRest() { throw new TypeError( "Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method." ); } function _unsupportedIterableToArray(e, r) { if (e) { if (typeof e === "string") return _arrayLikeToArray(e, r); var t =, -1); return ( t === "Object" && e.constructor && (t =, t === "Map" || t === "Set" ? Array.from(e) : t === "Arguments" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(t) ? _arrayLikeToArray(e, r) : void 0 ); } } function _arrayLikeToArray(e, r) { (r == null || r > e.length) && (r = e.length); for (var t = 0, n = new Array(r); t < r; t++) n[t] = e[t]; return n; } function _iterableToArrayLimit(e, r) { if (typeof Symbol !== "undefined" && Symbol.iterator in Object(e)) { var t = []; var n = !0; var a = !1; var o = void 0; try { for ( var i, l = e[Symbol.iterator](); !(n = (i = && (t.push(i.value), !r || t.length !== r); n = !0 ); } catch (e) { (a = !0), (o = e); } finally { try { n || l.return == null || l.return(); } finally { if (a) throw o; } } return t; } } function _arrayWithHoles(e) { if (Array.isArray(e)) return e; } !(function(window, $) { var NUMBER_TYPE = 5; var USER_INPUT = 0; var STATIC = 1; var CAL = 2; var IS_PRODUCT = 1; var IS_IF = 2; var IS_IFS = 3; var id = 0; var fields = []; var cache = Object.create(null); var $currentForm = $("body"); var createModalHtml; function floatFormat(e) { return ( typeof e !== "string" && (e = parseFloat(e)), parseFloat(e.toFixed(2)) ); } function PRODUCT() { for (var e = arguments.length, r = new Array(e), t = 0; t < e; t++) r[t] = arguments[t]; return floatFormat( r.reduce(function(e, r) { return e * r; }, 1) ); } function IF(e, r, t) { return floatFormat(Number(e ? r || 0 : t || 0)); } function IFS(calc) { return ( (calc = calc .split(";") .map(function(e) { return e.replace(/\,/g, "?"); }) .join(":") + ":0"), floatFormat(Number(eval(calc))) ); } function parseCal(e) { return e .split("-") .map(function(e) { var r = _slicedToArray(e.split(":"), 2); var t = r[0]; var n = r[1]; return ( t === "v" && (n = "{".concat(n, "}")), t === "c" && (n = ""), n ); }) .join("") .replace(/([}\d])(=)([{\d])/g, "$1===$3") .replace(/\{((?:.|\n)+?)\}/g, "getFieldPrice($&)") .replace(/[{}]/g, ""); } function getDetailField(r) { return fields.find(function(e) { return === r; }); } function getOfferDetail(e) { function r(e) { return { label: getFieldLabel(e), price: getFieldPrice(e), }; } return Array.isArray(e) ? : r(e); } function getFieldLabel(e) { return getDetailField(e).label; } function getFieldPrice(e) { if (cache[e]) return cache[e]; if (id++ > 299) throw new Error("鍑芥暟涔嬮棿涓嶈兘寰幆璋冪敤锛?); var r = null; var t = getDetailField(e); if (!t || t.format !== NUMBER_TYPE) return 0; var n = t.h; var a = t.calcType; return ( n === USER_INPUT && (r = parseFloat($currentForm.find('[name="'.concat(e, '"]')).val()) || 0), n === STATIC && (r = parseFloat( || 0), n === CAL && (r = getCalValue(parseCal(t.calc), a)), (cache[e] = r) ); } function getCalValue(calc, type) { var _calMap; var calMap = ((_calMap = {}), _defineProperty(_calMap, IS_PRODUCT, function() { return eval("PRODUCT(".concat(calc, ")")); }), _defineProperty(_calMap, IS_IF, function() { return eval("IF(".concat(calc, ")")); }), _defineProperty(_calMap, IS_IFS, function() { return IFS(calc); }), _calMap); return calMap[type](); } function toggleClass() { $(".jw-offer-dialog .offer-modal").toggleClass("in"), $(".jw-modal").toggleClass("in"); } (window.startOffer = function(e) { var r = e.offer; var t = e._id; if ( ((fields = e.fields), (id = 0), ($currentForm = $(t ? "#ui-".concat(t) : "body")), (cache = Object.create(null)), r && window.$) ) { var n = r.tot.fieldId; var a = { return e.fieldId; }); return { main: getOfferDetail(n), detail: getOfferDetail(a), }; } }), $.createOfferModal || ($("body").on("click", ".close-button", function(e) { toggleClass(), setTimeout(function() { $(".jw-offer-dialog").remove(), $(".jw-modal").remove(); }, 300); }), (createModalHtml = function(e) { var r = startOffer(e); var t = $( '\n
\n \n
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' ) .concat(o, "" + toI18n("RMB") + "
\n "); var c = i .map(function(e) { var r = e.label; var t = e.price; return '\n
\n ' .concat(r, '锛欬span class="price">') .concat( t, "" + toI18n("RMB") + "\n
\n " ); }) .join(""); return ( t.find(".main").append(l), t.find(".content").append(c), i.length || t.find(".content").remove(), t ); }), $.extend({ createOfferModal: function(e) { $(".jw-offer-dialog").length || ($("body").append(createModalHtml(e)), setTimeout(function() { toggleClass(); }, 0)); }, })); })(window, jQuery); }, ]); // 鎶ヤ环鍑芥暟缁撴潫 // 鐧惧害鎺ㄩ€佷唬鐮 (function() { var script = document.createElement("script"); script.src = "//"; if (/^https/.test(window.location.protocol)) { script.src = "//"; } document.body.appendChild(script); })(); (function() { $(".ui-page-product-list .category-aside-icon-arrow").on("click", function() { if ( $(this) .parents(".category-aside-item") .hasClass("active") ) { $(this) .parents(".category-aside-item") .removeClass("active"); } else { $(this) .parents(".category-aside-item") .addClass("active"); } }); $(".ui-page-product-list").on( "click", function() { if ( $(this) .parents(".category-aside-item") .hasClass("active") ) { $(this) .parents(".category-aside-item") .removeClass("active"); } else { $(this) .parents(".category-aside-item") .addClass("active"); } } ); $(".ui-page-product-list") .parent() .addClass("active") .parents(".category-aside-item") .addClass("active"); })(); // ui-map鍦板浘娓叉煋鍑芥暟寮€濮 function createMapInfo(marker) { var detail = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}; var caption = detail.caption; var address = detail.address; var contact =; var et =; var extendInfo = (et || []) .map(function(_ref) { var caption = _ref.caption; var v = _ref.v; if (!caption || !v) return ""; return "
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") .concat(address, "
\u8054\u7CFB\u7535\u8BDD\uFF1A") .concat(contact, "
\n ") .concat(extendInfo, "\n
\n ") ); marker.addEventListener("click", function() { marker.openInfoWindow(infoWindow); }); } function addOverLays(map, addressDetailList) { return, i) { var lng = item.lng; var lat =; var point = null; var marker = new BMap.Marker((point = new BMap.Point(lng, lat))); map.addOverlay(marker); marker.setAnimation(window.BMAP_ANIMATION_BOUNCE); createMapInfo(marker, item); return point; }); } function renderOverLays(map, addressDetailList, scale) { scale = scale || 14; if (addressDetailList.length > 1) { var pointList = addOverLays(map, addressDetailList); map.setViewport(pointList); } else if (addressDetailList.length === 1) { var pointList = addOverLays(map, addressDetailList); var view = map.getViewport(pointList); map.centerAndZoom(, scale); } else { map.centerAndZoom("闀挎矙甯?, scale); } map.enableScrollWheelZoom(true); } // ui-map鍦板浘娓叉煋鍑芥暟缁撴潫 /** * 涓嶅吋瀹圭伀鐙 */ // window.onload = function () { // // 鍝嶅簲灏忓睆骞曞睍鐜版晥鏋 // // window.screen.width // // window.innerWidth // console.log(`window.innerWidth: ${window.innerWidth}`) // console.log(`window.screen.width: ${window.screen.width}`) // console.log(`document.body.scrollWidth: ${document.body.scrollWidth}`) // // = Math.floor(window.innerWidth / document.body.scrollWidth * 100) / 100 // const zoom = Math.floor(window.screen.width / document.body.scrollWidth * 100) / 100 // if (zoom < 1) { // = zoom // } // }; /******************* * 寮圭獥 */ (function() { // 娲楀姭鎵€鏈堿閾炬帴 $("a").each(function() { var href = Number($(this).attr("href")); if (typeof href === "number" && !isNaN(href) && href > 0) { $(this).attr({ href: "javascript:showDialogLayer(" + href + ");", }); } }); // 鍏抽棴寮圭獥 $(".saas-dialog").on("click", ".saas-dialog-close", function() { $(this) .parents(".saas-dialog") .hide(); if ($(this).parents(".saas-dialog-auto").length) { var showtype = $(".saas-dialog-auto").attr("data-showtype"); var opentype = $(".saas-dialog-auto").attr("data-opentype"); if (showtype) { if (opentype > 0) { setTimeout(function() { $(".saas-dialog-auto") .find(".saas-dialog") .show(); }, opentype * 1000); } } } }); // 鑷姩寮圭獥 if ($(".saas-dialog-auto").length) { var showtype = $(".saas-dialog-auto").attr("data-showtype"); var opentype = $(".saas-dialog-auto").attr("data-opentype"); if (showtype === "true") { setTimeout(function() { $(".saas-dialog-auto") .find(".saas-dialog") .show(); }, opentype * 1000); } } })(); // 鎵撳紑寮圭獥 function showDialogLayer(dialogId) { if ($("#saas-dialog-" + dialogId).length) { var $dialog = $("#saas-dialog-" + dialogId).find(".saas-dialog"); $; } } // 琛ュ叏瀛楃涓 function prefixZero(num, n) { return (Array(n).join(0) + num).slice(-n); } // 鏍煎紡鍖栧崈鍒嗕綅 function thousandTextSeparator(num, isSep) { num = String(num).replace(/,/g, ""); if (isSep) { var reg = /\d{1,3}(?=(\d{3})+$)/g; return (num + "").replace(reg, "$&,"); } else { return num; } } (function() { if ($(".ui-page-product-introduction").length) { // 浜у搧璇︽儏 var $content = $(".ui-page-product-introduction"); $(".ui-page-product-introduction table").each(function(index, item) { $(item).after('
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